About Us

Starlight Software was launched in 2019, emerging from the headquarters of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. Its foundation stems from an audacious project called LGP Challenges, designed by referenced members of academy and the market.

The operation of Starlight Software involves professionals from the most diverse sectors of the creative economy, such as communication, design, business management and high technology. The company's staff is composed by masters students in Informatics and Computing Engineering, Services Engineering and Management and Multimedia.

Such prestige has already benefited Starlight Software with the opportunity of partnerships with renowned companies of the technology business scenario in Portugal. The company is committed to delivering ingenious digital solutions to Invisible Cloud, Deloitte, Bosch and Strongstep. It's about smart solutions for smarter systems.

Despite the prominence in software creation, its portfolio encompass the provision of a wide variety of integrated digital solutions as well as business consulting and multimedia strategies.

Starlight Software is a company committed to going beyond the boundaries established by its niche market. Highlights include innovations such as the adoption of decentralized management and the promotion of solid internal and external networking. As well as the implementation of a concept of assertive and fluid communication.