Erisvaldo Costa // Team Ingenuity
13 de maio de 2019
The Explorer
Erisvaldo Pereira da Costa is a 35-year-old brazilian, born in the State of Maranhão, one of the most strategic points on the planet for launching space missions. He was accepted for the Multimedia Master of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto — FEUP.
Now a student, Erisvaldo has been a university Professor during 4 years! At Fucapi College, he was the design and marketing coordinator in the Design Experiment Lab (LED). As an entrepreneur, our colleague also manages a digital content development startup - INTERACTIVOS.
Aboard Starlight Software
As a multimedia consultant, Erisvaldo is committed to helping two of our missions: Creativity and Ingenuity. His experience, as a professor and entrepreneur, contributes to the projects with skills in layout, information architecture, UX and UI.
To the future
Erisvaldo intends to be a researcher in education and design and his career goal is to coordinate a technology research institute. He is sure that "Every professor should strive to bring knowledge to the students."
Aware of his mission as a guardian of knowledge, Erisvaldo tells himself that "It will not be easy, but do not give up now, you're almost there." And for the fellow students, he leaves this message from the great patron of aviation - and also a brazilian - Santos Dumont:
“Do not be amazed at the height of the flight. The higher, the farther from danger. The more you rise, the longer you'll recognize a break. It is when one is near the ground that one should be careful.”
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