Francisco Andrade // Team Creativity
07 de junho de 2019
The Explorer
More than 8,000 days ago, Francisco Tuna de Andrade, now 22 years old, was born. He studies at FEUP, in the recognized Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering.
Francisco was already a monitor in the Architecture and Computer Organization and Programming classes for first year students, as well as a trainee in the area of machine learning at INESC-TEC.
Aboard Starlight Software
Francisco was chosen for the Mission Creativity, where he is one of the developers of a debt management application for Invisible Cloud (FIXE). He is largely responsible for the backend and at this point he is implementing all the logic related to the platform for the success of the project.
To the future
Francisco is straight to the point: he will be an Informatics Engineer. He would also like to work on machine learning and artificial intelligence. Dedicated, our developer intends to finish the master's degree, maintaining a good grade point average.
To his companions in this trajectory of studies, Francisco leaves this message: "Never stop learning and trying to improve your skills".
Follow the Explorer Francisco on LinkedIn
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