Luis Martins image

Luís Martins // Team Creativity

27 de maio de 2019

The Explorer

Citizen of Maia, Luís Noites Martins is 21 years old (his next birthday — in Neptune — will be in 2162, according to our space studies). He is one of the students of the Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP.


Yes, he is young, but his experience reveals a promising giant: Luís is a member of the Student Branch of IEEE, at the University of Porto and also vice-chair of the chapter Computer Society in the same Student Branch. As if that were not enough, Luis was a volunteer at the ENEI (National Encounter of Students of Computer Engineering) and the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest).

Aboard Starlight Software

When our first mission was launched - Creativity - Luís was selected to be one of the developers. He cooperates in developing the frontend and backend for FIXE Application (Invisible Cloud). Confident of his abilities, he says that "I feel that I have acquired technical and non-technical skills which are extremely important to a project with this magnitude."

To the future

Once he finishes his master's degree, Luís intends to start working in the area, not ruling out the possibility of a parallel training in business.

When addressing colleagues who are on the same journey, Luís emphasizes that as hard as it is to achieve the goals, if we have persistence, we get there! In this sense, he leaves this important message:

"I believe that patience and perseverance are the key features needed in this area — since a simple error in the code can take hours or days to be resolved and therefore be frustrating.

Follow the Explorer Luís on LinkedIn

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