Francisca Cerquinho // Team Ingenuity
24 de abril de 2019
The Explorer
Francisca Cerquinho is a student who does a lot more than just studying. Apart from leading one of Starlight Software’s teams, she is also a department leader at JuniFEUP, belongs to the christian organization “Missão País” — and last summer she helped rebuild houses. More: in 2017 she went to Indonesia to teach english to young kids.
Oh! By the way, she’s also very passionate about sports, training every day.
She is at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, doing a masters in Informatics and Computing Engineering. Next July she’ll head south, moving to Chile for six months to study.
Aboard Starlight Software
In our spaceship, Francisca is leading Team Ingenuity. She manages both frontend and backend. She praises honesty and transparency, that’s why she tries to make her team members work on things they enjoy.
To the future
Francisca wants to continue being happy, she says: “that has always been my wish every time I see a shooting star or bite my birthday candles. After this course, she wants to further her studies in management and, in the future, build her own business.”
Going back, she’d say her 10 year old self to keep on doing what she dreams about — and fighting against everything. “We can get everything that we want”.
Follow the Explorer Francisca on LinkedIn
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