Pedro Luís // Team Opportunity
27 de maio de 2019
The Explorer
Pedro Henrique Rodrigues Luís is from Abrantes, Santarém. The 23-year-old (about 20,000 Jovian days, according to our engineers' calculations) is attending the Multimedia Master of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).
Pedro has always been involved in musical bands, which is why he carries with him a high sense of teamwork. Such talent for music has been enhanced in college, in a degree specializing in the field. He says that the course was multidisciplinary, which prepared him to adapt to new ways of working.
Aboard Starlight Software
As a member of the Multimedia Department, Pedro is responsible for the entire sound creation of the company. The music you listen to every week on our Tuesday Tips is produced by this guy! He is aboard the Mission Opportunity "where I have some ease in thinking about melodies and ways of making music, which I think is vital in the presentation of a product."
To the future
Every artist wants to be seen. Pedro wants to be heard "I would like to be able to record and play my music so that everyone could listen to it." With career plans in the music field, he reveals that the intention is to follow a performative strand or create sound effects for videos games.
Pedro says we should invest more in what we really like. And for the colleagues entering the job market, it leaves a message of strength "It may not be easy to find a job right at the beginning, but do not despair."
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