Tiago Santos // Team Quality
15 de abril de 2019
The Explorer
Tiago Santos is from Porto. Born in 1997, he studies computer engineering at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto.
In college, he has been monitor at two different courses, these being his highlights.
Aboard Starlight Software
Behind Team Quality, Tiago is building a cohesive group to solve the client's demands. And the operations are running smoothly, he says, despite the complexity of the project.
To the future
Tiago wants to be a writer. Yup, our engineer’s dream job goes around storytelling and videogames.
He’s going to Finland to further his studies, accomplishing his message for his former self: “Carpe diem. Seize the day.” “Procrastination is the artist’s death”, he warns.
Follow the Explorer Tiago on LinkedIn
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